A packshot shows the exact form of a product that a customer receives in a parcel or probably a container. We ensure to boost your productivity using robust photography solutions. Our professional photographers on demand, are experts in presenting the product accurately and can create beautiful imagery of your product in a fraction of time.. Read More
Shoes &
At Shapes Defined, we ensure your shoes & Bags business will take off and your knee-high boots, casual shoes, sneakers to handbags, duffle bag to backpack, will stand out by presenting innovative automated shoes & bags photography solutions tailored to achieve your business goals in the industry. We plan your product photoshoot from A to Z.
Our Services
Still Life Shoot
You might have heard of still-life art, yet have you known about still-life photography? Still-life photographs are very clean you want all the finer details of your product to be in order. We make sure there are no smudges and visible specs of dust ruining the image. A ton of thought goes into still-life photography. Planning the design for the concept, set-up, and composition, not to forget the technical skills to make your product look great.. Read More
ECOM - Model Shoot
Build your brand and increase your product’s appeal utilizing eCommerce model photography, which is used as an inspiration to tell stories and give more personality to your shoes & bags. If you’re competing with another company to sell the same products, providing better information through model images and descriptions can make your version of the footwear & bags more attractive, increase purchases, and protect your brand by utilizing software controlled photography.. Read More
360 Animation
From sneakers to casual shoes, knee-high boots, to handbags, duffle bag, backpacks and more. 360° product animation is the most effective way to provide visual information about your products, that builds buyer trust and confidence in your brand. It has become increasingly popular across the majority of social media platforms. It’s becoming something that companies and brand owners are implementing in their marketing strategies.. Read More
Stop Motion
Offering services that include stop motion animation, a creative product photography concept that enhances your website and social media content in many ways, GIF/Stop-Motion is important for your e-commerce business. We have worked with companies large and small and worked completely from scratch, as well as working on a detailed assignment to create packages and product photos that delight your audience with dazzling animation.. Read More
Creative Videos & Reels
Offering creative video services that include product photography and props, product videos play an important role in marketing your shoes and bags effectively that you can put into your online brand. Shooting is the fun part where you can bring your cosmetics to life. You can use the products you sell or anything related to your industry.. Read More
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